Post by Hanna on Aug 5, 2009 10:53:35 GMT -5
CR End of Summer Dog Challenge
P01 Agility Prospect
1. HD Sceptically Blue
2. MB Selena
3. CF Taora
4. RRB Painted Spikes of Magic
5. RRB Lady Bella
6. TF Starlily
7. Shobo
8. Tuulinen True Voice
9. Uguava
10. Lady Zuza CF
11. Jack Reign
12. TF Lizardsnatcher
13. HD Feeling Sparks
14. Silver Lining
15. Apache's Blue Warrior
16. Rumor Has It
17. Citlali Devon
18. TF Khuafa
19. Sterling's One Hot Number
20. Tuulinen Kaboom
21. CF Tea Party
22. HD Black Moon Rising
23. HD Snow Princess
24. RRB Painted Dreams
25. MB Pandora
26. HD Shadow Lurker
27. RRB Spiked Carosel Ride
28. Rumor War Creek
P02 Flyball Prospect
1. RRB Spiked Carosel Ride
2. RRB Lady Bella
3. Kylpo CF
4. RRB Painted Dreams
5. Furtona CF
6. Silver Lining
7. RRB Painted Spikes of Magic
8. HD Sceptically Blue
9. Uguava
10. Lady Zuza CF
11. HD Shadow Lurker
12. TF Starlily
13. Citlali Devon
14. CF Taora
P03 Hunting Prospect
1. TF Khuafa
2. Tuulinen Kaboom
3. TF Starlily
4. Sterling's One Hot Number
P04 Tracking Prospect
1. TF Starlily
2. Tuulinen Kaboom
P05 Herding Prospect (w/ducks)
1. Pluto vom Alkuaine
2. Helena vom Tuulinen
3. MB Pandora
4. HD Snow Princess
P06 Schutzhund Prospect
1. Helena vom Tuulinen
2. Efoul vom Tuulinen
3. HD Snow Princess
4. RRB Triumph
5. Pluto vom Alkuaine
6. Chrais vom Tuulinen
7. Sanso von Tuulinen
P07 Sledding Prospect
P08 Lure Coursing Prospect
1. Uguava
P09 Weight Pulling Prospect
A01 Small Dog Agility - Standard
1. Neuki CF
2. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
3. TF Test For Echo
4. Blugnga
5. TF Surprise Party
6. Truth Before Karma
7. Capulet
8. Sazai
9. TF Chain Lightning
10. TF Red Barchetta
11. Life's A Whisper
12. CF Barley
13. Kacy's Love
14. TF Rev Kingmon
15. Forever in Heaven
16. CF Live to Love
17. Pitter Patter
18. Truth Ruth
19. Cadogan's Free Spirit
20. Ace's Down the Street
A02 Small Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Ace's Down the Street
2. Life's A Whisper
3. TF Chain Lightning
4. Truth Before Karma
5. TF Red Barchetta
6. Capulet
7. Neuki CF
8. TF Surprise Party
9. Blugnga
10. Truth Ruth
11. Cadogan's Free Spirit
12. TF Test For Echo
13. CF Barley
14. Forever in Heaven
15. Pitter Patter
16. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
17. CF Live to Love
18. Sazai
19. TF Rev Kingmon
20. Kacy's Love
A03 Small Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. TF Test For Echo
2. Truth Before Karma
3. Neuki CF
4. TF Rev Kingmon
5. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
6. TF Surprise Party
7. Forever in Heaven
8. Cadogan's Free Spirit
9. CF Barley
10. Kacy's Love
11. TF Chain Lightning
12. Truth Ruth
13. CF Live to Love
14. Life's A Whisper
15. Capulet
16. Sazai
17. TF Red Barchetta
18. Ace's Down the Street
19. Pitter Patter
20. Blugnga
A04 Small Dog Agility - Standard
1. TF Dolly Sparks
2. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
3. Number The Stars
4. Citlali Dalai Lama
5. CF Deverio
6. Citlali's One To Love
7. CF Meteor
8. Tuu Drieca
9. TF Hey Batter Batter
10. TF Red Barchetta
11. TF Rev Kingmon
12. Blizzard in Hell
13. Citlali Pofzu
14. Zia's Open Hearted
15. Lonesome Lilja
16. Cadogan's Free Spirit
17. Blugnga
A05 Small Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Citlali's One To Love
2. CF Meteor
3. Tuu Drieca
4. Blizzard in Hell
5. TF Red Barchetta
6. Blugnga
7. Citlali Dalai Lama
8. TF Rev Kingmon
9. Citlali Pofzu
10. Cadogan's Free Spirit
11. Lonesome Lilja
12. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
13. TF Dolly Sparks
14. TF Hey Batter Batter
15. CF Deverio
16. Number The Stars
17. Zia's Open Hearted
A06 Small Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. Blugnga
2. Lonesome Lilja
3. TF Red Barchetta
4. CF Meteor
5. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
6. TF Dolly Sparks
7. Citlali Dalai Lama
8. TF Hey Batter Batter
9. Cadogan's Free Spirit
10. CF Deverio
11. Zia's Open Hearted
12. TF Rev Kingmon
13. Tuu Drieca
14. Blizzard in Hell
15. Citlali's One To Love
16. Number The Stars
17. Citlali Pofzu
A07 Medium Dog Agility - Standard
1. Dangermouse
2. CF Covered In Snow
3. CF Clovergirl
4. Ixia
5. CF Taiwan
6. Lollipop's What You Want
7. CF Bucky
8. Luck of the Irish
9. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
10. Frakkin
11. CF Learn to Fly
12. Hera
13. Gizmonic Gold
14. TF Teasdale
15. TF Valentino
16. Mattok
17. Tuulinen Carolina Baby
18. Little Bo Peep
19. Pizzaz
20. Midnight River
21. Seattle Screw
22. Citlali Fanatic
A08 Medium Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Luck of the Irish
2. CF Bucky
3. CF Taiwan
4. TF Teasdale
5. Ixia
6. CF Learn to Fly
7. CF Covered In Snow
8. Gizmonic Gold
9. Little Bo Peep
10. Frakkin
11. Midnight River
12. Seattle Screw
13. Hera
14. CF Clovergirl
15. TF Valentino
16. Pizzaz
17. Citlali Fanatic
18. Tuulinen Carolina Baby
19. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
20. Mattok
21. Dangermouse
22. Lollipop's What You Want
A09 Medium Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. CF Taiwan
2. CF Clovergirl
3. CF Learn to Fly
4. Seattle Screw
5. Citlali Fanatic
6. Tuulinen Carolina Baby
7. Mattok
8. Ixia
9. Luck of the Irish
10. Lollipop's What You Want
11. CF Bucky
12. CF Covered In Snow
13. Gizmonic Gold
14. Hera
15. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
16. TF Valentino
17. Frakkin
18. Midnight River
19. Pizzaz
20. Dangermouse
21. Little Bo Peep
22. TF Teasdale
A10 Medium Dog Agility - Standard
1. Kulo
2. Citlali's Dragonkeeper
3. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
4. Master of Disguise
5. Sininen Salainen Ase
6. Sana Zayna
7. Lollipop's What You Want
8. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
9. Drop That Gun
10. Tuulinen River of Tears
11. Adham Ghayth
12. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
13. The Spy Is The Spy
14. Tuulinen Be Fierce
15. Gizmonic Gold
16. King Me
17. TF Domino
18. Seattle Screw
A11 Medium Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Tuulinen River of Tears
2. Sininen Salainen Ase
3. Gizmonic Gold
4. Master of Disguise
5. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
6. Seattle Screw
7. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
8. Lollipop's What You Want
9. The Spy Is The Spy
10. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
11. Adham Ghayth
12. King Me
13. Tuulinen Be Fierce
14. TF Domino
15. Drop That Gun
16. Citlali's Dragonkeeper
17. Sana Zayna
18. Kulo
A12 Medium Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. Citlali's Dragonkeeper
2. TF Domino
3. Drop That Gun
4. Master of Disguise
5. Sininen Salainen Ase
6. Kulo
7. Tuulinen Be Fierce
8. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
9. Sana Zayna
10. Lollipop's What You Want
11. Gizmonic Gold
12. Tuulinen River of Tears
13. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
14. Adham Ghayth
15. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
16. The Spy Is The Spy
17. Seattle Screw
18. King Me
A13 Large Dog Agility - Standard
1. Adler
2. Amaliricus
3. TF People of the World
4. Smokey Fire
5. Tuulinen Joomal
6. TF Tattooed Dancer
7. Hiltrude
8. Aquilos Painted Carosel
9. Tuulinen Rohkeus
10. Sugar and Spice
11. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
12. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
13. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
14. Tuulinen Concord
15. TF Zombie Stomp
16. Margarida vom Tuulinen
17. Dina Gomez del Citone
18. Fleur de Lis
A14 Large Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
2. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
3. Adler
4. Margarida vom Tuulinen
5. Tuulinen Joomal
6. Aquilos Painted Carosel
7. Smokey Fire
8. TF People of the World
9. Tuulinen Rohkeus
10. Amaliricus
11. TF Zombie Stomp
12. Tuulinen Concord
13. Fleur de Lis
14. Sugar and Spice
15. Hiltrude
16. TF Tattooed Dancer
17. Dina Gomez del Citone
18. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
A15 Large Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. Tuulinen Concord
2. TF People of the World
3. Amaliricus
4. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
5. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
6. Aquilos Painted Carosel
7. Adler
8. Fleur de Lis
9. Tuulinen Joomal
10. Margarida vom Tuulinen
11. TF Zombie Stomp
12. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
13. Smokey Fire
14. Hiltrude
15. Tuulinen Rohkeus
16. TF Tattooed Dancer
17. Sugar and Spice
18. Dina Gomez del Citone
A16 Large Dog Agility - Standard
1. Amaliricus
2. Hiltrude
3. Tuulinen Rohkeus
4. Aquilos Painted Carosel
5. Margarida vom Tuulinen
6. Dina Gomez del Citone
7. TF Tattooed Dancer
8. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
9. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
10. Tuulinen Concord
11. Tuulinen Joomal
12. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
13. Fleur de Lis
14. TF People of the World
15. Adler
16. TF Zombie Stomp
A17 Large Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Fleur de Lis
2. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
3. Tuulinen Concord
4. TF Zombie Stomp
5. Adler
6. Hiltrude
7. Tuulinen Rohkeus
8. Tuulinen Joomal
9. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
10. TF People of the World
11. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
12. TF Tattooed Dancer
13. Aquilos Painted Carosel
14. Amaliricus
15. Dina Gomez del Citone
16. Margarida vom Tuulinen
A18 Large Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. Tuulinen Joomal
2. TF People of the World
3. Fleur de Lis
4. Aquilos Painted Carosel
5. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
6. Tuulinen Rohkeus
7. TF Zombie Stomp
8. TF Tattooed Dancer
9. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
10. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
11. Dina Gomez del Citone
12. Amaliricus
13. Hiltrude
14. Adler
15. Tuulinen Concord
16. Margarida vom Tuulinen
F01 Open Individual Dog
1. Adham Ghayth
2. Remman
3. Gizmonic Gold
4. Ixia
5. Rauve
6. Kea Kea
7. Rampage
8. Sana Zayna
9. Celesta
10. Sindrikard
11. Ayane
12. Sacred Music
F02 Open Team of Two
1. Sana Zayna & Adham Ghayth
2. Rampage & Rauve
3. Ayane & Kea Kea
4. Ixia & Roseclaw Numi Rose
5. Fruiten The Fresco & Entenga
6. Redflower & TF After You
7. Sacred Music & Celesta
8. Gizmonic Gold & Sindrikard
9. Liukastella & TF Leave a Penny
10. Remman & Äiti Luonto
11. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff & Alkboo's Fixed Magic
F03 Retriever Individual
F04 Retriever Team of Two
F05 Small Dog Individual
F06 Small Dog Team of Two
F07 Herding Dog Individual
1. Gizmonic Gold
2. Sindrikard
3. Roseclaw Numi Rose
4. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
5. Ixia
6. Ayane
7. Kea Kea
8. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
F08 Herding Dog Team of Two
1. Gizmonic Gold & Sindrikard
2. Ayane & Kea Kea
3. Ixia & Roseclaw Numi Rose
4. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff & Alkboo's Fixed Magic
F09 Sighthound Individual
1. Sacred Music
2. Adham Ghayth
3. Sana Zayna
4. Celesta
5. Äiti Luonto
6. Entenga
7. Remman
8. Rauve
9. TF After You
10. Rampage
11. Fruiten The Fresco
12. Redflower
F10 Sighthound Team of Two
1. Liukastella & TF Leave a Penny
2. Sana Zayna & Adham Ghayth
3. Remman & Äiti Luonto
4. Fruiten The Fresco & Entenga
5. Rampage & Rauve
6. Redflower & TF After You
7. Sacred Music & Celesta
D01 Open Wave A
1. Take A Pass
2. TF Cutthroat
3. Tuulinen Bearclaw
4. Hall Hobune
5. Willie
6. TF Domino
7. Irishluck Pot of Gold
D02 Open Wave B
1. Irishluck Pot of Gold
2. Take A Pass
3. TF Cutthroat
4. Willie
5. TF Domino
6. Tuulinen Bearclaw
7. Hall Hobune
D03 Open Wave C
1. Take A Pass
2. TF Cutthroat
3. Willie
4. Hall Hobune
5. Irishluck Pot of Gold
6. TF Domino
7. Tuulinen Bearclaw
D04 Open Wave D
1. TF Cutthroat
2. TF Domino
3. Irishluck Pot of Gold
4. Take A Pass
5. Willie
6. Hall Hobune
7. Tuulinen Bearclaw
D05 Novice Wave A
1. Take A Pass
2. Willie
3. Vodkra s Nonai
4. Kiva
5. Tuulinen River of Tears
D06 Novice Wave B
1. Tuulinen River of Tears
2. Willie
3. Vodkra s Nonai
4. Kiva
5. Take A Pass
D07 Junior Wave A
1. TF Jah Is Real
2. Shoot For The Sky
3. TF Starlily
D08 Junior Wave B
1. Shoot For The Sky
2. TF Starlily
3. TF Jah Is Real
D09 Lap Dog Wave A
1. Pitter Patter
2. TF Surprise Party
3. Tuu Drieca
4. TF Hey Batter Batter
5. Capulet
D10 Lap Dog Wave B
1. Capulet
2. Pitter Patter
3. TF Hey Batter Batter
4. TF Surprise Party
5. Tuu Drieca
S01 30-mile sprint, One Dog Team
1. Lokki
2. Sedona Ask About Me Later
3. The Gladiator
4. Riverman's Long Pause of Grace
S02 30-mile sprint, Two Dog Team
1. Sedona Ask About Me Later & Songofwaters One Note
2. Grizzly & Asiah
3. Lokki & Tuulinen Alaskan Plain
S03 50-mile sprint, Two Dog Team
1. Lokki & Tuulinen Alaskan Plain
2. Sedona Ask About Me Later & Songofwaters One Note
S04 50-mile sprint, Four Dog Team
1. Sedona Ask About Me Later & Songofwaters One Note & Riverman's Long Pause of Grace & The Gladiator
2. Grizzly & Asiah & Lokki & Tuulinen Alaskan Plain
O01 Novice A Obedience
Tuu Tru Homer
TF Lenuaa
TF People of the World
Lotus Charmer
Gentlehill Silent Night
Senmde Someday Soon
Onni Onni
Explosive Les Beaux Chiens
Roseclaw Numi Rose
Instinctive Mad Mouse
Spike of Blackmagic Lands
Dina Gomez del Citone
Aquilos Painted Carosel
Cave Creek's Red Dingo
Ridgecrest's Dakota Jane
Sana Zayna
Adham Ghayth
Walgroh's Blazin' Dukes
Lollipop's What You Want
O02 Novice A Obedience
Tuulinen Velvia
Tuulinen Black Lion
TF Jah Is Real
Tuulinen Timber
TF Dreams of Snow
Please Elona
TF Black Illusion
Forget What I Said
Chrais vom Tuulinen
TF Rev Kingmon
Mine Creek's Gold Digger
Calico Ridge Agent 007
Sana Zayna
Adham Ghayth
Walgroh's Blazin' Dukes
Lollipop's What You Want
O03 Novice B Obedience
Tuu Tru Homer
TF Lenuaa
TF People of the World
Lotus Charmer
Gentlehill Silent Night
Senmde Someday Soon
Onni Onni
Explosive Les Beaux Chiens
Roseclaw Numi Rose
Instinctive Mad Mouse
O04 Novice B Obedience
Tuulinen Velvia
Tuulinen Black Lion
TF Jah Is Real
Tuulinen Timber
TF Dreams of Snow
Please Elona
TF Black Illusion
Forget What I Said
Chrais vom Tuulinen
TF Rev Kingmon
C01 Open Disc Dog
1. Wu Ted
2. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
3. Ridgecrest's Dakota Jane
4. Cave Creek's Red Dingo
5. Roseclaw Numi Rose
6. Walgroh's Blazin' Dukes
7. Crank That Juliette
8. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
9. Ayane
10. Seattle Screw
C02 Junior Disc Dog (6mo-2yr)
C03 Freestyle Disc Dog
1. Walgroh's Blazin Dukes
2. Roseclaw Numi Rose
3. Seattle Screw
4. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
5. Ayane
6. Wu Ted
7. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
8. Calico Ridge Agent 007
9. Mine Creek's Gold Digger
10. Crank That Juliette
H01 Herding Ducks
1. Number The Stars
2. TF Centre of Eternity
3. TF Blast From The Past
4. Palko vom Tuulinen
5. Laola vom Tuulinen
6. Hansel vom Tuulinen
7. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
8. Lonesome Lilja
9. Lokki
10. Roseclaw Numi Rose
H02 Herding Ducks
1. Laola vom Tuulinen
2. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
3. TF Blast From The Past
4. Lokki
5. Hansel vom Tuulinen
6. Number The Stars
7. Palko vom Tuulinen
8. Lonesome Lilja
9. Roseclaw Numi Rose
10. TF Centre of Eternity
H03 Herding Sheep
1. Master of Disguise
2. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
3. Sininen Salainen Ase
4. Strenora vom Tuulinen
5. Sebhound's Girl's Got Game
6. Wu Ted
7. TF Teasdale
8. TF Gerard
9. TF Dolly Sparks
10. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
11. Roseclaw Numi Rose
12. Pohjoi Nalani
H04 Herding Sheep
1. Pohjoi Nalani
2. Sininen Salainen Ase
3. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
4. TF Dolly Sparks
5. TF Teasdale
6. Strenora vom Tuulinen
7. Sebhound's Girl's Got Game
8. Wu Ted
9. Roseclaw Numi Rose
10. TF Gerard
11. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
12. Master of Disguise
H05 Herding Cattle
1. Kea Kea
2. Crank That Juliette
3. Zraum vom Tuulinen
4. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
5. Sindrikard
H06 Herding Cattle
1. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
2. Kea Kea
3. Sindrikard
4. Zraum vom Tuulinen
5. Crank That Juliette
Z01 BH
dogs need a score of 42 to pass
1. Falko vom Tuulinen - 49/50
2. Maverick - 48/50
3. Tuulinen Chandler - 46/50
4. Vain Yksi Toive - 44/50
5. Tuulinen Columbus - 41/50
6. Venus - 41/50
7. Tuu Tumki - 39/50
8. Palko vom Tuulinen - 38/50
DNP. Tuulinen Concerto - NO CONTROL
DNP. Tuulinen Clarabelle - DOG AGGRESSION
Z02 SchH I
dogs need a score of 245 to pass
1. Pohjoi Nalani - 288/300
2. Pohjoi Ceria - 279/300
3. Margarida vom Tuulinen - 248/300
4. Kuini von Tuulinen - 241/300
5. Hansel vom Tuulinen - 230/300
Z03 SchH II
dogs need a score of 245 to pass
1. Strenora vom Tuulinen - 290/300
2. Laola vom Tuulinen - 283/300
3. Tuulinen Rohkeus - 250/300
DNP. Feuer Blume vom Tuulinen - FAILED OBEDIENCE
Z04 SchH III
dogs need a score of 245 to pass
1. Zraum vom Tuulinen - 272/300
2. Ahasver von Alkuaine - 257/300
3. Helmke von Alkuaine - 233/300
L01 Junior Lure Coursing (1-2 years)
1. TF Dreams of Snow
2. TF Gone With the Wind
3. TF After You
L02 Open Lure Coursing
1. Adham Ghayth
2. Fruiten The Fresco
3. Redflower
4. Rauve
5. Rampage
6. TF Leave a Penny
7. Sacred Music
8. Celesta
9. Äiti Luonto
10. Sana Zayna
11. Remman
12. Tuulinen Carolina Baby
L03 Open Lure Coursing
1. TF Fancy Sherbert
2. Sana Zayna
3. TF Hardrock
4. Tuu Bluce
5. Hera
6. Adham Ghayth
7. Remman
8. Fruiten The Fresco
9. Sacred Music
10. Senmde Someday Soon
11. Liukastella
12. Celesta
L04 Senior Lure Coursing (6yo+)
1. Ketzel
2. Mattok
3. Dangermouse
4. Entenga
5. Please Elona
6. Onni Onni
Lure Coursing Field Champion: Adham Ghayth
W01 Small Dogs Weight Pulling (ie, pit bull, staffie)
1. TF Be Yourself
2. TF You And I
3. Maverick
4. Karer
5. Venus
W02 Medium Dogs Weight Pulling (ie, bigger pit bull, husky)
1. Tuulinen Concerto
2. Tuulinen Concord
3. Tuulinen Chandler
W03 Large Dogs Weight Pulling (ie, saint bernard, malamute)
1. Tuulinen Alaskan Plain
2. TF Zombie Stomp
3. Tuulinen Joomal
U01 Retriever Field Trial
1. Vodkra s Nonai
2. Willie
3. The Nanny's Out
4. Spiff N Buff
5. Tuulinen Velvia
6. TF Resistance
7. TF Cutthroat
8. TK Our Music
9. Tuulinen Bearclaw
10. TF Lenuaa
11. Tuu Tru Homer
12. Irishluck Pot of Gold
13. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
14. Tuulinen Black Lion
15. Phidzri
U02 Pointer/Setter Field Trial
1. Palda
2. Mr Handsome Manny
3. Cutoloa
U03 Spaniel Field Trial
1. Tuulinen Timber
U04 Beagle Field Trial
1. TF Woodchip
2. Master of The Hunt
3. TF On The Trail
4. Tuu Catcha Rabbit
5. Try Too Trust
U05 Beagle Brace Trial
1. TF Woodchip & Master of The Hunt
2. Tuu Catcha Rabbit & Try Too Trust
U06 Foxhound Field Trial
1. Tuu Jae
2. TF Kobonbon
3. Prajva
4. Lotus Charmer
U07 Coonhound Nite Hunt
1. Lil Tracker
2. Starfire
3. TF Lonestar
T01 Hound Tracking
1. TF On The Trail
2. TF Woodchip
3. TF Lonestar
4. Try Too Trust
5. Lil Tracker
6. Tuu Jae
7. Starfire
8. TF Kobonbon
9. Prajva
T02 Gundog Tracking
1. Cutoloa
2. Mr Handsome Manny
3. Palda
T03 Other Breed Tracking
1. Tuulinen Caspian
2. Feuer Blume vom Tuulinen
3. Tuulinen Concord
4. Tuulinen Clarabelle
5. Tuulinen Columbus
6. Sanso von Tuulinen
7. Kuini von Tuulinen
T04 Open Breed Tracking
1. Tuulinen Clarabelle
2. Try Too Trust
3. Sanso von Tuulinen
4. TF On The Trail
5. Feuer Blume vom Tuulinen
6. Mr Handsome Manny
7. TF Woodchip
8. Tuulinen Concord
9. Cutoloa
10. TF Lonestar
E01 Open Earthdog
1. Gentlehill Silent Night
E02 Junior Earthdog (1-3yrs)
1. Gentlehill Silent Night
E03 Senior Earthdog (6yo+)
E04 Beginner Earthdog (untitled)
1. Gentlehill Silent Night
P01 Agility Prospect
1. HD Sceptically Blue
2. MB Selena
3. CF Taora
4. RRB Painted Spikes of Magic
5. RRB Lady Bella
6. TF Starlily
7. Shobo
8. Tuulinen True Voice
9. Uguava
10. Lady Zuza CF
11. Jack Reign
12. TF Lizardsnatcher
13. HD Feeling Sparks
14. Silver Lining
15. Apache's Blue Warrior
16. Rumor Has It
17. Citlali Devon
18. TF Khuafa
19. Sterling's One Hot Number
20. Tuulinen Kaboom
21. CF Tea Party
22. HD Black Moon Rising
23. HD Snow Princess
24. RRB Painted Dreams
25. MB Pandora
26. HD Shadow Lurker
27. RRB Spiked Carosel Ride
28. Rumor War Creek
P02 Flyball Prospect
1. RRB Spiked Carosel Ride
2. RRB Lady Bella
3. Kylpo CF
4. RRB Painted Dreams
5. Furtona CF
6. Silver Lining
7. RRB Painted Spikes of Magic
8. HD Sceptically Blue
9. Uguava
10. Lady Zuza CF
11. HD Shadow Lurker
12. TF Starlily
13. Citlali Devon
14. CF Taora
P03 Hunting Prospect
1. TF Khuafa
2. Tuulinen Kaboom
3. TF Starlily
4. Sterling's One Hot Number
P04 Tracking Prospect
1. TF Starlily
2. Tuulinen Kaboom
P05 Herding Prospect (w/ducks)
1. Pluto vom Alkuaine
2. Helena vom Tuulinen
3. MB Pandora
4. HD Snow Princess
P06 Schutzhund Prospect
1. Helena vom Tuulinen
2. Efoul vom Tuulinen
3. HD Snow Princess
4. RRB Triumph
5. Pluto vom Alkuaine
6. Chrais vom Tuulinen
7. Sanso von Tuulinen
P07 Sledding Prospect
P08 Lure Coursing Prospect
1. Uguava
P09 Weight Pulling Prospect
A01 Small Dog Agility - Standard
1. Neuki CF
2. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
3. TF Test For Echo
4. Blugnga
5. TF Surprise Party
6. Truth Before Karma
7. Capulet
8. Sazai
9. TF Chain Lightning
10. TF Red Barchetta
11. Life's A Whisper
12. CF Barley
13. Kacy's Love
14. TF Rev Kingmon
15. Forever in Heaven
16. CF Live to Love
17. Pitter Patter
18. Truth Ruth
19. Cadogan's Free Spirit
20. Ace's Down the Street
A02 Small Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Ace's Down the Street
2. Life's A Whisper
3. TF Chain Lightning
4. Truth Before Karma
5. TF Red Barchetta
6. Capulet
7. Neuki CF
8. TF Surprise Party
9. Blugnga
10. Truth Ruth
11. Cadogan's Free Spirit
12. TF Test For Echo
13. CF Barley
14. Forever in Heaven
15. Pitter Patter
16. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
17. CF Live to Love
18. Sazai
19. TF Rev Kingmon
20. Kacy's Love
A03 Small Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. TF Test For Echo
2. Truth Before Karma
3. Neuki CF
4. TF Rev Kingmon
5. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
6. TF Surprise Party
7. Forever in Heaven
8. Cadogan's Free Spirit
9. CF Barley
10. Kacy's Love
11. TF Chain Lightning
12. Truth Ruth
13. CF Live to Love
14. Life's A Whisper
15. Capulet
16. Sazai
17. TF Red Barchetta
18. Ace's Down the Street
19. Pitter Patter
20. Blugnga
A04 Small Dog Agility - Standard
1. TF Dolly Sparks
2. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
3. Number The Stars
4. Citlali Dalai Lama
5. CF Deverio
6. Citlali's One To Love
7. CF Meteor
8. Tuu Drieca
9. TF Hey Batter Batter
10. TF Red Barchetta
11. TF Rev Kingmon
12. Blizzard in Hell
13. Citlali Pofzu
14. Zia's Open Hearted
15. Lonesome Lilja
16. Cadogan's Free Spirit
17. Blugnga
A05 Small Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Citlali's One To Love
2. CF Meteor
3. Tuu Drieca
4. Blizzard in Hell
5. TF Red Barchetta
6. Blugnga
7. Citlali Dalai Lama
8. TF Rev Kingmon
9. Citlali Pofzu
10. Cadogan's Free Spirit
11. Lonesome Lilja
12. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
13. TF Dolly Sparks
14. TF Hey Batter Batter
15. CF Deverio
16. Number The Stars
17. Zia's Open Hearted
A06 Small Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. Blugnga
2. Lonesome Lilja
3. TF Red Barchetta
4. CF Meteor
5. Tuulinen Dragonbreath
6. TF Dolly Sparks
7. Citlali Dalai Lama
8. TF Hey Batter Batter
9. Cadogan's Free Spirit
10. CF Deverio
11. Zia's Open Hearted
12. TF Rev Kingmon
13. Tuu Drieca
14. Blizzard in Hell
15. Citlali's One To Love
16. Number The Stars
17. Citlali Pofzu
A07 Medium Dog Agility - Standard
1. Dangermouse
2. CF Covered In Snow
3. CF Clovergirl
4. Ixia
5. CF Taiwan
6. Lollipop's What You Want
7. CF Bucky
8. Luck of the Irish
9. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
10. Frakkin
11. CF Learn to Fly
12. Hera
13. Gizmonic Gold
14. TF Teasdale
15. TF Valentino
16. Mattok
17. Tuulinen Carolina Baby
18. Little Bo Peep
19. Pizzaz
20. Midnight River
21. Seattle Screw
22. Citlali Fanatic
A08 Medium Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Luck of the Irish
2. CF Bucky
3. CF Taiwan
4. TF Teasdale
5. Ixia
6. CF Learn to Fly
7. CF Covered In Snow
8. Gizmonic Gold
9. Little Bo Peep
10. Frakkin
11. Midnight River
12. Seattle Screw
13. Hera
14. CF Clovergirl
15. TF Valentino
16. Pizzaz
17. Citlali Fanatic
18. Tuulinen Carolina Baby
19. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
20. Mattok
21. Dangermouse
22. Lollipop's What You Want
A09 Medium Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. CF Taiwan
2. CF Clovergirl
3. CF Learn to Fly
4. Seattle Screw
5. Citlali Fanatic
6. Tuulinen Carolina Baby
7. Mattok
8. Ixia
9. Luck of the Irish
10. Lollipop's What You Want
11. CF Bucky
12. CF Covered In Snow
13. Gizmonic Gold
14. Hera
15. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
16. TF Valentino
17. Frakkin
18. Midnight River
19. Pizzaz
20. Dangermouse
21. Little Bo Peep
22. TF Teasdale
A10 Medium Dog Agility - Standard
1. Kulo
2. Citlali's Dragonkeeper
3. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
4. Master of Disguise
5. Sininen Salainen Ase
6. Sana Zayna
7. Lollipop's What You Want
8. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
9. Drop That Gun
10. Tuulinen River of Tears
11. Adham Ghayth
12. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
13. The Spy Is The Spy
14. Tuulinen Be Fierce
15. Gizmonic Gold
16. King Me
17. TF Domino
18. Seattle Screw
A11 Medium Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Tuulinen River of Tears
2. Sininen Salainen Ase
3. Gizmonic Gold
4. Master of Disguise
5. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
6. Seattle Screw
7. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
8. Lollipop's What You Want
9. The Spy Is The Spy
10. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
11. Adham Ghayth
12. King Me
13. Tuulinen Be Fierce
14. TF Domino
15. Drop That Gun
16. Citlali's Dragonkeeper
17. Sana Zayna
18. Kulo
A12 Medium Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. Citlali's Dragonkeeper
2. TF Domino
3. Drop That Gun
4. Master of Disguise
5. Sininen Salainen Ase
6. Kulo
7. Tuulinen Be Fierce
8. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
9. Sana Zayna
10. Lollipop's What You Want
11. Gizmonic Gold
12. Tuulinen River of Tears
13. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
14. Adham Ghayth
15. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
16. The Spy Is The Spy
17. Seattle Screw
18. King Me
A13 Large Dog Agility - Standard
1. Adler
2. Amaliricus
3. TF People of the World
4. Smokey Fire
5. Tuulinen Joomal
6. TF Tattooed Dancer
7. Hiltrude
8. Aquilos Painted Carosel
9. Tuulinen Rohkeus
10. Sugar and Spice
11. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
12. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
13. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
14. Tuulinen Concord
15. TF Zombie Stomp
16. Margarida vom Tuulinen
17. Dina Gomez del Citone
18. Fleur de Lis
A14 Large Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
2. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
3. Adler
4. Margarida vom Tuulinen
5. Tuulinen Joomal
6. Aquilos Painted Carosel
7. Smokey Fire
8. TF People of the World
9. Tuulinen Rohkeus
10. Amaliricus
11. TF Zombie Stomp
12. Tuulinen Concord
13. Fleur de Lis
14. Sugar and Spice
15. Hiltrude
16. TF Tattooed Dancer
17. Dina Gomez del Citone
18. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
A15 Large Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. Tuulinen Concord
2. TF People of the World
3. Amaliricus
4. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
5. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
6. Aquilos Painted Carosel
7. Adler
8. Fleur de Lis
9. Tuulinen Joomal
10. Margarida vom Tuulinen
11. TF Zombie Stomp
12. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
13. Smokey Fire
14. Hiltrude
15. Tuulinen Rohkeus
16. TF Tattooed Dancer
17. Sugar and Spice
18. Dina Gomez del Citone
A16 Large Dog Agility - Standard
1. Amaliricus
2. Hiltrude
3. Tuulinen Rohkeus
4. Aquilos Painted Carosel
5. Margarida vom Tuulinen
6. Dina Gomez del Citone
7. TF Tattooed Dancer
8. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
9. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
10. Tuulinen Concord
11. Tuulinen Joomal
12. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
13. Fleur de Lis
14. TF People of the World
15. Adler
16. TF Zombie Stomp
A17 Large Dog Agility - Jumpers
1. Fleur de Lis
2. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
3. Tuulinen Concord
4. TF Zombie Stomp
5. Adler
6. Hiltrude
7. Tuulinen Rohkeus
8. Tuulinen Joomal
9. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
10. TF People of the World
11. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
12. TF Tattooed Dancer
13. Aquilos Painted Carosel
14. Amaliricus
15. Dina Gomez del Citone
16. Margarida vom Tuulinen
A18 Large Dog Agility - Gambler's Choice
1. Tuulinen Joomal
2. TF People of the World
3. Fleur de Lis
4. Aquilos Painted Carosel
5. Spike of Blackmagic Lands
6. Tuulinen Rohkeus
7. TF Zombie Stomp
8. TF Tattooed Dancer
9. Teddy's Rainbow Coat
10. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
11. Dina Gomez del Citone
12. Amaliricus
13. Hiltrude
14. Adler
15. Tuulinen Concord
16. Margarida vom Tuulinen
F01 Open Individual Dog
1. Adham Ghayth
2. Remman
3. Gizmonic Gold
4. Ixia
5. Rauve
6. Kea Kea
7. Rampage
8. Sana Zayna
9. Celesta
10. Sindrikard
11. Ayane
12. Sacred Music
F02 Open Team of Two
1. Sana Zayna & Adham Ghayth
2. Rampage & Rauve
3. Ayane & Kea Kea
4. Ixia & Roseclaw Numi Rose
5. Fruiten The Fresco & Entenga
6. Redflower & TF After You
7. Sacred Music & Celesta
8. Gizmonic Gold & Sindrikard
9. Liukastella & TF Leave a Penny
10. Remman & Äiti Luonto
11. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff & Alkboo's Fixed Magic
F03 Retriever Individual
F04 Retriever Team of Two
F05 Small Dog Individual
F06 Small Dog Team of Two
F07 Herding Dog Individual
1. Gizmonic Gold
2. Sindrikard
3. Roseclaw Numi Rose
4. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
5. Ixia
6. Ayane
7. Kea Kea
8. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
F08 Herding Dog Team of Two
1. Gizmonic Gold & Sindrikard
2. Ayane & Kea Kea
3. Ixia & Roseclaw Numi Rose
4. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff & Alkboo's Fixed Magic
F09 Sighthound Individual
1. Sacred Music
2. Adham Ghayth
3. Sana Zayna
4. Celesta
5. Äiti Luonto
6. Entenga
7. Remman
8. Rauve
9. TF After You
10. Rampage
11. Fruiten The Fresco
12. Redflower
F10 Sighthound Team of Two
1. Liukastella & TF Leave a Penny
2. Sana Zayna & Adham Ghayth
3. Remman & Äiti Luonto
4. Fruiten The Fresco & Entenga
5. Rampage & Rauve
6. Redflower & TF After You
7. Sacred Music & Celesta
D01 Open Wave A
1. Take A Pass
2. TF Cutthroat
3. Tuulinen Bearclaw
4. Hall Hobune
5. Willie
6. TF Domino
7. Irishluck Pot of Gold
D02 Open Wave B
1. Irishluck Pot of Gold
2. Take A Pass
3. TF Cutthroat
4. Willie
5. TF Domino
6. Tuulinen Bearclaw
7. Hall Hobune
D03 Open Wave C
1. Take A Pass
2. TF Cutthroat
3. Willie
4. Hall Hobune
5. Irishluck Pot of Gold
6. TF Domino
7. Tuulinen Bearclaw
D04 Open Wave D
1. TF Cutthroat
2. TF Domino
3. Irishluck Pot of Gold
4. Take A Pass
5. Willie
6. Hall Hobune
7. Tuulinen Bearclaw
D05 Novice Wave A
1. Take A Pass
2. Willie
3. Vodkra s Nonai
4. Kiva
5. Tuulinen River of Tears
D06 Novice Wave B
1. Tuulinen River of Tears
2. Willie
3. Vodkra s Nonai
4. Kiva
5. Take A Pass
D07 Junior Wave A
1. TF Jah Is Real
2. Shoot For The Sky
3. TF Starlily
D08 Junior Wave B
1. Shoot For The Sky
2. TF Starlily
3. TF Jah Is Real
D09 Lap Dog Wave A
1. Pitter Patter
2. TF Surprise Party
3. Tuu Drieca
4. TF Hey Batter Batter
5. Capulet
D10 Lap Dog Wave B
1. Capulet
2. Pitter Patter
3. TF Hey Batter Batter
4. TF Surprise Party
5. Tuu Drieca
S01 30-mile sprint, One Dog Team
1. Lokki
2. Sedona Ask About Me Later
3. The Gladiator
4. Riverman's Long Pause of Grace
S02 30-mile sprint, Two Dog Team
1. Sedona Ask About Me Later & Songofwaters One Note
2. Grizzly & Asiah
3. Lokki & Tuulinen Alaskan Plain
S03 50-mile sprint, Two Dog Team
1. Lokki & Tuulinen Alaskan Plain
2. Sedona Ask About Me Later & Songofwaters One Note
S04 50-mile sprint, Four Dog Team
1. Sedona Ask About Me Later & Songofwaters One Note & Riverman's Long Pause of Grace & The Gladiator
2. Grizzly & Asiah & Lokki & Tuulinen Alaskan Plain
O01 Novice A Obedience
Tuu Tru Homer
TF Lenuaa
TF People of the World
Lotus Charmer
Gentlehill Silent Night
Senmde Someday Soon
Onni Onni
Explosive Les Beaux Chiens
Roseclaw Numi Rose
Instinctive Mad Mouse
Spike of Blackmagic Lands
Dina Gomez del Citone
Aquilos Painted Carosel
Cave Creek's Red Dingo
Ridgecrest's Dakota Jane
Sana Zayna
Adham Ghayth
Walgroh's Blazin' Dukes
Lollipop's What You Want
O02 Novice A Obedience
Tuulinen Velvia
Tuulinen Black Lion
TF Jah Is Real
Tuulinen Timber
TF Dreams of Snow
Please Elona
TF Black Illusion
Forget What I Said
Chrais vom Tuulinen
TF Rev Kingmon
Mine Creek's Gold Digger
Calico Ridge Agent 007
Sana Zayna
Adham Ghayth
Walgroh's Blazin' Dukes
Lollipop's What You Want
O03 Novice B Obedience
Tuu Tru Homer
TF Lenuaa
TF People of the World
Lotus Charmer
Gentlehill Silent Night
Senmde Someday Soon
Onni Onni
Explosive Les Beaux Chiens
Roseclaw Numi Rose
Instinctive Mad Mouse
O04 Novice B Obedience
Tuulinen Velvia
Tuulinen Black Lion
TF Jah Is Real
Tuulinen Timber
TF Dreams of Snow
Please Elona
TF Black Illusion
Forget What I Said
Chrais vom Tuulinen
TF Rev Kingmon
C01 Open Disc Dog
1. Wu Ted
2. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
3. Ridgecrest's Dakota Jane
4. Cave Creek's Red Dingo
5. Roseclaw Numi Rose
6. Walgroh's Blazin' Dukes
7. Crank That Juliette
8. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
9. Ayane
10. Seattle Screw
C02 Junior Disc Dog (6mo-2yr)
C03 Freestyle Disc Dog
1. Walgroh's Blazin Dukes
2. Roseclaw Numi Rose
3. Seattle Screw
4. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
5. Ayane
6. Wu Ted
7. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
8. Calico Ridge Agent 007
9. Mine Creek's Gold Digger
10. Crank That Juliette
H01 Herding Ducks
1. Number The Stars
2. TF Centre of Eternity
3. TF Blast From The Past
4. Palko vom Tuulinen
5. Laola vom Tuulinen
6. Hansel vom Tuulinen
7. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
8. Lonesome Lilja
9. Lokki
10. Roseclaw Numi Rose
H02 Herding Ducks
1. Laola vom Tuulinen
2. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
3. TF Blast From The Past
4. Lokki
5. Hansel vom Tuulinen
6. Number The Stars
7. Palko vom Tuulinen
8. Lonesome Lilja
9. Roseclaw Numi Rose
10. TF Centre of Eternity
H03 Herding Sheep
1. Master of Disguise
2. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
3. Sininen Salainen Ase
4. Strenora vom Tuulinen
5. Sebhound's Girl's Got Game
6. Wu Ted
7. TF Teasdale
8. TF Gerard
9. TF Dolly Sparks
10. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
11. Roseclaw Numi Rose
12. Pohjoi Nalani
H04 Herding Sheep
1. Pohjoi Nalani
2. Sininen Salainen Ase
3. Excalibur's Lady in Waiting
4. TF Dolly Sparks
5. TF Teasdale
6. Strenora vom Tuulinen
7. Sebhound's Girl's Got Game
8. Wu Ted
9. Roseclaw Numi Rose
10. TF Gerard
11. Alkboo's Fixed Magic
12. Master of Disguise
H05 Herding Cattle
1. Kea Kea
2. Crank That Juliette
3. Zraum vom Tuulinen
4. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
5. Sindrikard
H06 Herding Cattle
1. Majestic Skip To The Good Stuff
2. Kea Kea
3. Sindrikard
4. Zraum vom Tuulinen
5. Crank That Juliette
Z01 BH
dogs need a score of 42 to pass
1. Falko vom Tuulinen - 49/50
2. Maverick - 48/50
3. Tuulinen Chandler - 46/50
4. Vain Yksi Toive - 44/50
5. Tuulinen Columbus - 41/50
6. Venus - 41/50
7. Tuu Tumki - 39/50
8. Palko vom Tuulinen - 38/50
DNP. Tuulinen Concerto - NO CONTROL
DNP. Tuulinen Clarabelle - DOG AGGRESSION
Z02 SchH I
dogs need a score of 245 to pass
1. Pohjoi Nalani - 288/300
2. Pohjoi Ceria - 279/300
3. Margarida vom Tuulinen - 248/300
4. Kuini von Tuulinen - 241/300
5. Hansel vom Tuulinen - 230/300
Z03 SchH II
dogs need a score of 245 to pass
1. Strenora vom Tuulinen - 290/300
2. Laola vom Tuulinen - 283/300
3. Tuulinen Rohkeus - 250/300
DNP. Feuer Blume vom Tuulinen - FAILED OBEDIENCE
Z04 SchH III
dogs need a score of 245 to pass
1. Zraum vom Tuulinen - 272/300
2. Ahasver von Alkuaine - 257/300
3. Helmke von Alkuaine - 233/300
L01 Junior Lure Coursing (1-2 years)
1. TF Dreams of Snow
2. TF Gone With the Wind
3. TF After You
L02 Open Lure Coursing
1. Adham Ghayth
2. Fruiten The Fresco
3. Redflower
4. Rauve
5. Rampage
6. TF Leave a Penny
7. Sacred Music
8. Celesta
9. Äiti Luonto
10. Sana Zayna
11. Remman
12. Tuulinen Carolina Baby
L03 Open Lure Coursing
1. TF Fancy Sherbert
2. Sana Zayna
3. TF Hardrock
4. Tuu Bluce
5. Hera
6. Adham Ghayth
7. Remman
8. Fruiten The Fresco
9. Sacred Music
10. Senmde Someday Soon
11. Liukastella
12. Celesta
L04 Senior Lure Coursing (6yo+)
1. Ketzel
2. Mattok
3. Dangermouse
4. Entenga
5. Please Elona
6. Onni Onni
Lure Coursing Field Champion: Adham Ghayth
W01 Small Dogs Weight Pulling (ie, pit bull, staffie)
1. TF Be Yourself
2. TF You And I
3. Maverick
4. Karer
5. Venus
W02 Medium Dogs Weight Pulling (ie, bigger pit bull, husky)
1. Tuulinen Concerto
2. Tuulinen Concord
3. Tuulinen Chandler
W03 Large Dogs Weight Pulling (ie, saint bernard, malamute)
1. Tuulinen Alaskan Plain
2. TF Zombie Stomp
3. Tuulinen Joomal
U01 Retriever Field Trial
1. Vodkra s Nonai
2. Willie
3. The Nanny's Out
4. Spiff N Buff
5. Tuulinen Velvia
6. TF Resistance
7. TF Cutthroat
8. TK Our Music
9. Tuulinen Bearclaw
10. TF Lenuaa
11. Tuu Tru Homer
12. Irishluck Pot of Gold
13. Vahva Halu Rakastaa Sinua
14. Tuulinen Black Lion
15. Phidzri
U02 Pointer/Setter Field Trial
1. Palda
2. Mr Handsome Manny
3. Cutoloa
U03 Spaniel Field Trial
1. Tuulinen Timber
U04 Beagle Field Trial
1. TF Woodchip
2. Master of The Hunt
3. TF On The Trail
4. Tuu Catcha Rabbit
5. Try Too Trust
U05 Beagle Brace Trial
1. TF Woodchip & Master of The Hunt
2. Tuu Catcha Rabbit & Try Too Trust
U06 Foxhound Field Trial
1. Tuu Jae
2. TF Kobonbon
3. Prajva
4. Lotus Charmer
U07 Coonhound Nite Hunt
1. Lil Tracker
2. Starfire
3. TF Lonestar
T01 Hound Tracking
1. TF On The Trail
2. TF Woodchip
3. TF Lonestar
4. Try Too Trust
5. Lil Tracker
6. Tuu Jae
7. Starfire
8. TF Kobonbon
9. Prajva
T02 Gundog Tracking
1. Cutoloa
2. Mr Handsome Manny
3. Palda
T03 Other Breed Tracking
1. Tuulinen Caspian
2. Feuer Blume vom Tuulinen
3. Tuulinen Concord
4. Tuulinen Clarabelle
5. Tuulinen Columbus
6. Sanso von Tuulinen
7. Kuini von Tuulinen
T04 Open Breed Tracking
1. Tuulinen Clarabelle
2. Try Too Trust
3. Sanso von Tuulinen
4. TF On The Trail
5. Feuer Blume vom Tuulinen
6. Mr Handsome Manny
7. TF Woodchip
8. Tuulinen Concord
9. Cutoloa
10. TF Lonestar
E01 Open Earthdog
1. Gentlehill Silent Night
E02 Junior Earthdog (1-3yrs)
1. Gentlehill Silent Night
E03 Senior Earthdog (6yo+)
E04 Beginner Earthdog (untitled)
1. Gentlehill Silent Night